Inclusion Committee

Inclusion of Diverse Learners Committee

Our mission as Surrey DPAC is to facilitate meaningful parent involvement in the public school system and to empower parents to speak on behalf of their children. This statement is more so when it comes our diverse learners and their parent/guardian. We recognize that navigating the system to get support for our diverse learners can be a daunting task let alone speaking up on their behalf. In order to better assist our members, we have formed this committee in hopes that it can facilitate a safe space for sharing, learning and support.

Our goal is to learn the system and then be able to provide assistance in navigating it and advocating for much needed change.

If you are interested in participating on the Inclusion of Diverse Learners Committee, please apply here:

We have compiled the following list of resources that are available to assist parents looking for support. 

If you require assistance in getting appropriate support for your child or if you would like to join our group, please contact us at 


Surrey School District & Provincial Guidelines

SD36 Guide to Inclusive Education – Surrey School District’s guide to inclusive  education 

Surrey Schools Student Support Honeycomb (Sept 2016)

Ministry of Education School DesignationsSpecial Education Services Category Checklists. This list  will give details to all ministerial school designations  

Special Education Policy Manual – Province of British Columbia – This resource  conveys policies, procedures, and guidelines that support the delivery of special  education services in British Columbia’s public schools. It was originally  published in 1995, following an extensive provincial Special Education Review  (1993-94). Written by the Ministry of Education 

BCTF – British Columbia Teachers’ Federation Resource page related to special  needs students. 

Inclusion BC – A Parent’s Handbook on Inclusive Education

Suzanne Perreault Counsellor, Inclusive Ed Advocate &
Workshop Facilitator has presented for Surrey DPAC Inclusion Committee and provided some helpful sheets for parents to use.

BCCPAC IEP Guide – BC Confederation Parent Advisory Counsel’s guide to  Individual Education Plans – multiple languages/translations 

Pop-Up IEP – While the Pop-Up IEP is meant for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing  community and is based from the USA. There is lots of language that can be  used within your own IEP meetings 


Provincial Supports 

Jordans Principle – Jordan’s Principle is a child-first principle ensuring First  Nations children get the services they need when they need them

BCANDS – BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society 

Disability Alliance – Helps with all disabilities to live with dignity, independence  and as equal and full participants in the community 

Find Support BC – A free online tool to find resources that may be available  within your community

BC Children’s Hospital – Nursing Support Services – Nursing Support Services  assists parents and caregivers of children and youth with medical complexities to  lead active, healthy lives in their communities through facilitating safe, consistent  and appropriate health supports. Nursing Support Services is available to eligible  children in BC aged 0 to 19 years whose care requires the scope of practice of a  registered nurse for some aspects of their care due to the child/youth’s medically  complex and fragile health needs. NSS is delivered by the regional health  authorities across the province. 

Parent of Deaf/HOH kids – An online Facebook forum group for families who  have children with hearing loss from all across the province for peer to peer  supports.  

POPARD – POPARD is a Ministry of Education program providing services to  schools in BC for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We provide  consultation, training and support services to all public and independent schools  across the province of British Columbia with a primary focus on increasing the  capacity of school district staff to support students with autism spectrum disorder  (ASD). 

Mental Health  

BC Pediatric Society has compiled a page of resources for a range of tools, and  aid groups for various mental health issues for children and teens. 

CAPSU – Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Stabilization Unit an inpatient support  for a child to have their child’s mental health assessed 

FamilySmart – Peer to peer support for families to connect around young people  with mental health challenges

Kelty Mental Health – Provincial Resource for mental health supports within your  community – We help families across the province navigate the mental health  system, listen and offer peer support, and connect them to resources and tools. 

START Program (Short Term, Assessment, Response, Treatment) through Fraser Health – Urgent mental health assessment and crisis intervention for  children/teens aged 6-18 years old 

ADHD Support 

Center for ADHD Awareness – An organization for support for families whose  children live with ADHD 

Kelty Mental Health/ADHD – Resources for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity  Disorder 

Advocacy Supports 

Advocacy and Conflict Resolution – A quick page graphic of Advocacy and  Conflict Resolution for students with disabilities in BC Education 

BCEd Access Society BCEdAccess Society is an entirely volunteer-run  organization serving families of students with disabilities and complex learners all  over the province of British Columbia. Our parent support group has over 2900  members and stories shared on our private discussion board daily illustrate the  depth of the challenges families face in pursuing equitable access to education in  BC schools. 

BCEd Access Facebook group – BCEd Access online Facebook forum group. It  is populated with parents from all across the province for peer to peer supports 

Family Support Institute – Non-profit that works with families with special needs  family members through volunteer peer to peer mentorship 

Inclusion BC – Non-profit that works with families with special needs family  members through advocacy

Learn Patient Advocacy – Resources for learning effective advocacy 

Representative for Child and Youth – For children and youth who are having  trouble accessing government services. The Representative is a non-partisan,  independent officer of the Legislature, reporting directly to the Legislative  Assembly and not a government ministry. 

Financial Supports 

Access2 Card – This card is for the individual with disability and can allow a care giver to enter for a reduced rate to venues/events.  

Autism Funding Blog – While this site does have a focus of Autism there is a  great tab under ‘extras’ with resources that can also help everyone 

Disability Tax Credit – A non-refundable tax credit with Canadian Federal  Government that helps persons with disabilities 

DTC/RDSP Facebook group – An online Facebook forum group for folds who  have or are interested in the DTC/RDSP 

HandyDart – HandyDART is TransLink’s paratransit system, available for those  who are unable to safely navigate conventional public transit without assistance. HandyCard holders can use our conventional transit system at a concession fare  price with HandyCard. HandyCard allows travel on the bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus,  and West Coast Express. The pass provides free travel to your attendants, and  access to purchase TaxiSavers. 

No Child Without – Free MedicAlert Program through the registered schools with  the program 

Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) – A long-term savings plan to help  Canadians with disabilities and their families save for the future.

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) RESPs are special education  savings accounts registered with the Government of Canada to help you save for  your child’s post-secondary education or training program. The money deposited  in it grows tax-free until withdrawn. Grants are available for Children who have  an RESP opened even without having contributions happening 

LGBTQ+ Resources 

Gender ResourcesGender Resources through BC Children’s Hospital 

QMUNITY QMUNITY is a non-profit organization based in Vancouver, BC that  works to improve queer, trans, and Two-Spirit lives. We provide a safer space for  LGBTQ2SAI+ people and their allies to fully self-express while feeling welcome  and included. Our building serves as a catalyst for community initiatives and  collective strength. 

Other Resources 

MyBookletBC – A free template to create an all about me booklet. MyBooklet BC  is A FREE online tool that families and people with disabilities can use to create  a beautiful and personalized information booklet for a loved one or for  themselves. 

Transition Timeline/Checklist – A free online tool to see what you may need to do  throughout your child’s life to prepare for the next stages. It’s a great checklist to  reference to ensure you’re prepared for the next stages 

White Hatter – Resources for online internet safety. Free resources as well to  support your youth for good digital citizenship

Canada Learning Bond Project: $ for Education

10 Walmart gift cards worth $50 each will be drawn for those who attend the presentation and fill in a short survey after the event.


Are you missing out on free money for your children’s education? Surrey DPAC is hosting an info session about the Canada Learning Bond (CLB) and British Columbia Training and Educations Savings Grant (BCTESG).

The CLB offers up to $2,000 for children born Jan 1, 2004 or later, with a family household net income of $48,535 or less.

The BCTESG offers $1,200 for all children between 6 and 9 years old.

Guest Speaker: Meenu Dhillon, Navigator
Register for this Zoom Meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the meeting.
Partnerships: Metis People (Metis National British Columbia (MNBC), Newcomers (DIVERSEcity), Indigenous Peoples (Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association (FRAFCA) & Vancity Community Foundation