Surrey DPAC Resource: PAC Exec Roles

What an amazing time we had with representation from 15 of our 21 families of schools and ALL 6 areas represented! You all are amazing. Listening to the buzz in the room as ideas were shared, best practices were talked about and PAC leaders connected with each other… just wow!!!

We can’t wait til our Fall training day and hope to make this an annual event.

In the meantime, here is something that we are very proud to have created for the training day and hope that it will be a starting place for your PAC to talk about different roles on the PAC Executive. A huge thank you goes to our Board member, Sheri, for creating this layout that sparked our entire Board to create a full set for you.

We welcome your feedback and would love to incorporate your ideas into round 2 of this document. Email us at with your thoughts. We’d also love to hear how this has helped your PAC with continuity, best practices and making things easy!

Canada Learning Bond Project: $ for Education

10 Walmart gift cards worth $50 each will be drawn for those who attend the presentation and fill in a short survey after the event.


Are you missing out on free money for your children’s education? Surrey DPAC is hosting an info session about the Canada Learning Bond (CLB) and British Columbia Training and Educations Savings Grant (BCTESG).

The CLB offers up to $2,000 for children born Jan 1, 2004 or later, with a family household net income of $48,535 or less.

The BCTESG offers $1,200 for all children between 6 and 9 years old.

Guest Speaker: Meenu Dhillon, Navigator
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Partnerships: Metis People (Metis National British Columbia (MNBC), Newcomers (DIVERSEcity), Indigenous Peoples (Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association (FRAFCA) & Vancity Community Foundation