A PAC (Parent Advisory Council) is the official collective voice of the parents and guardians of a particular school constituted, as said, by the BC School Act.
The PAC should:
- Provide input to the school through a direct channel to administration
- Learn about (and participate in) school–based activities.
- Advocate for all students of the school community.
PACs are not the forum to discuss student or staff issues.
Your PAC is not the Executive that you elect. Your PAC is every single parent with a child at that school as a whole. From those parents, you elect an Executive team.
The Executive is an extension of the PAC that is in place to help with running the day-to-day business of the parent group. When all the parents discuss and agree on putting forward a motion or recommendation, they bring it forward through the Executive.
The Principal at your school follows the same process. If they have matters to discuss with parents at a PAC meeting, they will contact the Executive to add to agenda or bring up the matter during their Administration report time allotted in Agenda.