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Canada Learning Bond Project: $ for Education

10 Walmart gift cards worth $50 each will be drawn for those who attend the presentation and fill in a short survey after the event.


Are you missing out on free money for your children’s education? Surrey DPAC is hosting an info session about the Canada Learning Bond (CLB) and British Columbia Training and Educations Savings Grant (BCTESG).

The CLB offers up to $2,000 for children born Jan 1, 2004 or later, with a family household net income of $48,535 or less.

The BCTESG offers $1,200 for all children between 6 and 9 years old.

Guest Speaker: Meenu Dhillon, Navigator
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Partnerships: Metis People (Metis National British Columbia (MNBC), Newcomers (DIVERSEcity), Indigenous Peoples (Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association (FRAFCA) & Vancity Community Foundation